One of the most potent teachings of the weekend came at breakfast this morning without any words. As I circled through the line, chanting in ceremony back to my seat, I looked up at Soryu standing at the end of the meal line. He was poised like a mother robin, standing there with his head gently bowed.
He was carefully watching how we all approached and served our food. His manner did not feel condescending or judgmental, but instead like “Ahh .. I know what it’s like to want that almond butter so badly, I’m going to hold up the whole line, as I scoop even more out of the jar.”
This was a deep teaching for me on the importance of feeling my cravings fully and completely, so that I offer guidance from this place of empathy and understanding as Soryu did this morning.
He later spoke to us at the meal about the importance of this self-awareness and noticing those around us, particularly as we feed ourselves, though it was his body language as he was taking in our behavior that was particularly striking to me.