In the MAPLE tales I write about my experience of training at the Monastic Academy of Life on Earth (MAPLE). I am training here as a Steward for 3 months during the 12th training season.
This happened during the final interview with Soryu after the retreat. The final interview is an option to receive some final guidance to finish off the retreat and carry the momentum into the responsibility period.
In my case, I felt like my technique was changed a few times by Soryu, so I asked him why this had been the case:
“It is good to change techniques. As we move through life, we want to be able to adjust our technique to each of the circumstances. To change it depending on what is needed. That’s why it is good to be flexible. And still, through all of those techniques flows the practice.”
Note: I am not a native English speaker - please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors.