Before ever coming to visit the Monastic Academy I listened to talks given by Forall from the MAPLE YouTube channel. Back then I was attempting to find a teacher and believed listening to YouTube videos was a useful way to receive spiritual teachings from a teacher.
In one of the YouTube videos, Forall was speaking about a period of solitary practice in a cabin on MAPLE property. At one point in the talk, Soryu described that creosote in the chimney had burst into flames. Forall explained how in that moment, as the chimney became red hot and began to fail, there was absolutely zero room for hesitation. There was complete urgency regarding dealing with the situation. Forall recounted immediately climbing on top of the cabin’s roof, and dumping snow into the chimney to snuff out the fire before the cabin burned down. Forall was successful in this.
After hearing this story a confusing mixture of curiosity, amazement, and disbelief swept through the mind. I decided in that moment I was going to one day meet Forall face to face.