During my first day at MAPLE, a big part of me was really overwhelmed with the whole situation. So many new people, impressions etc… At some point during that day, Soryu showed up and helped me to calm down.
We (Will, Manuel and I, the new Stewards) just had a tour with a resident through the bathrooms and the cleaning closet to get familiar with our first tasks. Since almost everything that day was new to me and I had tried to remember all of it, I had put a lot of pressure on myself.
People around us were very friendly and supporting, and so was the resident who introduced us to our first tasks. Nevertheless, I was barely able to process any more input. Suddenly, Soryu walked by and said to us something like (I don't remember the exact words) “Don't even try to understand what he is saying. You won't remember any of this. He is just a person near you talking. Your breath is much more interesting.”
Immediately I was quite relieved and a lot of the pressure that I had put on myself dissolved.