I am training at MAPLE for 3 months during the 12th training season.
During the retreat, Soryu was giving an exhortation, a talk where he would exhort us in our practice. To go deeper. To go beyond. I experience these talks as inspiring, powerful, challenging and just overall helpful to my practice.
In one of these talks, Soryu made the point on how we shouldn’t jump too quickly through Samadhi. On how we should let go fully without skipping over anything, do this completely. ‘This’ meaning letting go of body and mind. Of thoughts, feelings and cravings. He said: “It is like cleaning a pot. If there is any residue, the next time you cook food in it, it will burn. If there is any soap still in the pot, it will spoil the food.” Do this completely.
Note: I am not a native English speaker - please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors.