In the 12th year of training at the Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth, I was in a meeting with Forall about a speaking tour he was about to embark on to spread our message, raise money, and inspire people to train with us. We were talking about the ideal audience we want attract right now: 18-25 year old courageous warriors. People who are desperate to serve the world and do something meaningful with their lives. Young adults who, when challenged, rise rather than recoil.
Forall recounted a story from when he was at Sogen-ji — the Japanese Rinzai Zen temple he spent the most time at as a monastic. He said when he first got there, he was asked: “What are you going to do when you fail the training?” He replied: “I can’t.”
He said, “This is the attitude we need here. Once you begin the training, you either achieve your aim, or die.”
He then shared an anecdote with me about he enters the Zendo. He asked, “Have you noticed that when we enter the Zendo and close the door, the latch makes four quick sounds?” I had a vague sense of what he was referring to, but wasn’t confident.
He continued, “During each of those four sounds, I bring to mind each of the Four Noble Truths.”
“Then, I take eight steps between the door and the center tile”. This tile is what people step on when they enter and leave the Zendo to acknowledge all of the beings in all directions.
“During those eight steps, I practice each of the aspects of the Eightfold Path.”