In the early spring of 12th year of training at MAPLE, during an awakening period, a teaching was offered on the life of Hakuin Ekaku Zenji by Soryu Forall.
The time in Hakuin’s life that was then covered was what followed after Hakuin, then called Ekaku (wise crane), had reached initial enlightenment.
He encountered other monks who did not discount his awakening but also did not accept it and acknowledge him as a fully awakened one, one who in a sense is finished with his path.
Ekaku continued practicing until someone came along who brought him to a very severe teacher, and this teacher was able to work with Ekaku. Through great effort Ekaku realized a deeper awakening and continued on far beyond his first awakening. I, Virabhadra, felt inspired, hearing again a great teaching on how, even for those at a point of great awakening, the path calls forth something more.
Soryu Forall offered these teachings over many hours and days, over more than 20 Dharma talks over three months, enabling everyone at MAPLE to hear of such a great master’s life and practice.