Currently I'm working with the technique “Noting”. Soryu explained Noting once for me this way: “Noting means that when something arises, you don’t identify with it but experience it completely. How to do it? You focus on it while letting go of it.” Recently I was able to deepen my meditation practice with it, but I had still struggled to implement it into my daily activities. During my last interview with Soryu, he emphasized the importance of maintaining a good rhythm in order to make progress.
Since then I've tried different ways of maintaining a good rhythm, such as moving parts of my body in a certain rhythm or listening to meditative music with a certain rhythm (during my practice). However, over and over again I found myself falling out of the rhythm or not even being able to enter sufficiently deep enough into a rhythm.
Yesterday I made the decision that I would just note my breath with a certain rhythm (inhale 1x the label “feeling” and exhale 3x the label “feeling”). For the first time since almost a week, it seemed like I would make progress not only during the formal sits but also during daily activities.