In the 8th year of training in the Monastic Academy network, a guest named Hannah stayed at the California center for a few weeks. She told others of her intention to ‘seduce a monk’. No one at the center at the time was a monk and none had taken vows of celibacy, but it may have felt that way because romantic relationships were not allowed between trainees. She subsequently pursued sexual relations with three of the center’s residents. One of them ignored her advances. One of them rejected her advances. The third rejected her as well, but she was more persistent with him.
In the middle of the night, Hannah got into his bed without his knowledge and took her clothes off. He eventually convinced her to leave without engaging in any sexual activity. A few days later, Hannah shared with another guest how she planned to seduce that resident on a beach. The other guest told her not to do this, but Hannah enacted her plan anyway. He eventually consented on the beach as she had hoped.
Hannah and the resident returned to the center, and told everyone what had happened. The teacher of the California center called the Head Teacher Soryu Forall and said that Hannah and the resident were happily in a romantic relationship together. He said that in California, this might be a cause for celebration. But he acknowledged that romantic relationships were not allowed between trainees at the center, and said that he thought he should make them end the relationship. Soryu said, “The relationship is against the training agreement and must end immediately.”