Over the 12 years of training at the Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth, many hundreds of people have spent months to years as full-time residential trainees dedicated to awakening for the benefit of all beings.
One of these alumni was about to enter into a three-month silent meditation retreat at a different center. He sent an email to family and friends requesting support in the form of messages, prayers, or donations. “The purpose is to benefit all living beings”, he said.
Forall leaped at the opportunity and offered a donation to the center that would host our friend’s retreat. In Buddhism, this practice of generosity is called “Dana”. In exchange, Forall made the following request:
“As a Donor to your path, I ask that you really go for it. Especially when you think you can't. Because you can. I ask further that when you're finished, offer your realization to me as a way of helping me on my path. Having asked me for a donation, for you to finish without realizing the wisdom needed to guide me would be stealing. I'm not worried about money itself, but stealing Dana will injure you for a long time. Go for it! I'm happy for you. May you be well.”