During my training, I came to a time where I was very avoidant, not connecting to the community or joining in group practices like meditations and meals. I had just exited a romantic relationship, and was grappling with what came next.
A couple years earlier, I had done a 45 day solo meditation retreat, and soon after, due to insights I had in the retreat, made a large time commitment to MAPLE, as well as a softer commitment in this romantic relationship.
As Soryu and I began to discuss my current state, the conversation turned to this relationship. My ex-partner had a deep meditation practice, but her commitment to serving all beings was of a different type - she had not committed to giving her life to the path of a Bodhisattva to the extent that I had.
As we talked, Soryu pointed out that by committing to my partner, I was also committing to her path - a very different one from the path I had chosen for myself otherwise.
By committing to her, what exactly was I committing to?