Some people think that the only thing the Church can be is something that worships gods. Forall would always disagree with this. He’d say that in the US, when they said “separation of Church and State” that just meant separation of the State from a certain Church, Christianity. But that was said in order to allow affiliation with a different Church, Humanism. It says right in the Constitution the things we stand for, among them equality, rights, and the pursuit of happiness. The ideas that people are equal, that they have rights, and that their happiness is some kind of grand purpose, are all religious doctrines. They are some of the tenets of Humanism.
He’d say this again and again, seemingly unable to give up on us. He’d try so hard to get us to wake up from the religion we’re indoctrinated into, but it’s got us too deep. He’d try to explain that the reason we are mad at monotheism is that our religion wants us to be mad at it. That we’re mad at the indoctrination of various cults and gurus is itself the result of being indoctrinated. And what indoctrinated us to feel that way? The main cult, Humanist religion, with its psychologist gurus and therapist pastors.
He said so many times that the privilege of being the dominant religion is that you are allowed to claim that you’re not a religion. The moment you see that something is a religion, it loses its supreme power. That’s why humanism has worked so hard to make us unable to see, and especially feel, that it is a religion.
If you were to see that, you’d start to question everything. And that’s really different from just asking the questions you were told to ask by your religious cult and its Hollywood-based evangelical division. If you ask the questions they tell you to ask, you’re not asking anything at all, because you already know the answers.
I guess I ended up caring about this a lot, too. Seeing what he was saying was like waking up and seeing everyone else in a dream they were hypnotized to defend. Well, your dream is killing us.